About me

I am Jorge García-Rojas, an Advanced Severo Ochoa Research Fellow at the Instituto de Astrofísica de Canarias (IAC).
I obtained my PhD at the ULL in 2006. Then I moved to Mexico as a postdoc researcher and came back to the IAC in 2009, as support astronomer of the Canary Islands observatories until 2014. Since then I have obtained several postdocs at the IAC and since March 2021 I am a Severo Ochoa Advanced Postdoc of the Stellar and Interstellar Physics research line.
My main research interest is the determination of heavy-element chemical abundances in the ionized interstellar medium. I am currently working on precise abundance determinations using weak emission lines in planetary nebulae and HII regions, both in our galaxy and in nearby galaxies, and in the use of these precise abundances determinations for constraining stellar nucleosynthesis models and chemical evolution models of galaxies.


Here you can find a summarized CV (not always updated)


Here you can find my publications listed on the Astrophysicas Data System (ADS).


I have been teaching the subject "Scientific Computing I" in the first year of the degree in Physical Sciences at the University of La Laguna for 7 semesters since the academic year 2014/15.
In this subject we give students a basic introduction to Python code, allowing them by the end of the course to start taking advantage of coding for the practical subjects during their degree.


I collaborate with the bi-monthly section 'Gaveta de Astrofísica' of the local newspaper El Dia.
You can find my outreach articles (only in Spanish, sorry) here. Just find them by my name.